
PIZZA GOURMET Lara Caffi, 2018 DON’T FORGET THE PIZZA!! Terracotta, a material used over the centuries to cook different dishes, is especially indicated for long cooking. Its main feature is to be refractory to fire: this allows to collect a lot of heat and to release it slowly, favouring a homogeneous cooking and always at […]

The Omelette

PLAYING WITH NEW GEOMETRIES Ease of use and aesthetics combine in a new graphic vision of the mise en place. The Omelette is the name of the new omelette pan characterised by an eye-catching square shape that comes from the traditional Tamagoyaki, a Japanese pan used in the preparation of bento and frittata made with beaten […]

The Saucepan

A LITTLE STORY ABOUT KN The saucepan draws inspiration from the 60’s nordic atmospheres. The Saucepan says a lot about KN: harmony between different materials, use of natural elements and yellow, the color of our brand. It is a kind of synthesis between creativity and industrialization, functionality, minimalism and material consistency.


LADY ANNE Lara Caffi 2018 A PERFECT SYNTHESIS BETWEEN PAST AND FUTURE Walking lithely, an elegant, sophisticated woman enters a modern, high-tech environment where everything is essential and functional. Her timeless beauty fits perfectly in any context, her presence stands out for originality, it is noticeable, it captures everybody’s attention.Coffee, the sine qua non of […]